CSS-Sort site screenshot


A website that takes a custom CSS input and sorts the property declarations by type (positioning, box model, typographic, visual, misc). Functionality written in JavaScript without any third-party CSS parsers.

A poll by CSS-Tricks shows that 45% of developers prefer to group their CSS properties by type, but I could only find online resources that sort alphabetically. This site arranges properties to follow the Bootstrap property order.
CSS Tricks poll results; 45% group by type

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Udacity Restaurant Project screenshot

Udacity Restaurant Reviews - Stage 3

A responsive and accessible progressive web application (PWA) containing restaurant information and customer reviews. Project requirements included using a Service Worker to manage offline availability, accessing server data, using IndexedDB to store JSON responses, and meeting >90 Lighthouse performance scores in Performance, Accessibility, and Progressive Web App scores. Built additional functionality such as allowing users to favorite restaurants and add new reviews.

This site was the final graduation requirement from Udacity's Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree.

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Dog Friendly Jobs site screenshot

Dog Friendly Jobs

A website built with Django showing a collection of companies that allow dogs in their offices. The site uses a Service Worker for static resource caching and offline management and IndexedDB to store the company listing data. The site is hosted with PythonAnywhere.

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Portfolio site screenshot

Personal Portfolio Site

My personal website built from scratch using HTML5 and CSS3. The site is a fully responsive Progressive Web Application and meets Lighthouse audit scores >90 for Performance, Accessibility, and Progressive Web App.

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Script code screenshot

Diaspora Web Scraper

Python script to scrape and analyze posts from Diaspora. Gathers most recent 100 posts and finds the most active user by posts and most active post by likes, comments, and reshares. The script uses Python libraries Requests and Beautiful Soup to extract post data. The script automates site login including CSRF token management.

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Raylan.dog screenshot

Raylan.dog Site

Raylan.dog is a single page gallery site to share pictures and videos of Raylan the dog. This site is mainly used for JavaScript experimentation, focusing on integrating and customizing third party plugins. JavaScript functionality includes a custom splash screen, photo lightbox, lazy loading images, and randomized image gallery.

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